Friday, December 29, 2006

Will the Circle Be Unbroken

The wrath of the Grape. Uffda. After alkaseltzer, aspirin, cod liver oil, vitamin A, B and much C I'm finally feeling almost normal. I cannot do this much longer. Reverie? Fuck it.

I will say that every...well most every courtesy has been extended in every direction during the siege of the Norseman. This is not typical for an invasion force, so I sense there is an under lying ulterior motive? Spices? Gold? I don't know, I sense some thing. Maybe to lull us in to a false sense of security and then down comes Thor's hammer exploding asunder all that we hold near and dear.

Or not?

To be or not to be, that's still the question.

Much more power simply to be than not to be. What? Anything. Axioms from the family vault, "Stand for something or you fall for anything". "Our doubts are traitors and often times make us lose that which we might gain, by fearing to attempt". "To thine own self be true, and it shall follow, as the day does the night, that thou can not be false to any man."

I may be paraphrasing a bit, probably mostly Shakespeare:

That's all for now. Telephone is ringing and I think it's Chairman Mao.

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